Who We Are

RIZIK is dedicated to making quality food products more accessible to people living in Dhaka city through its innovative and reliable online distribution channel. We also aim to provide a convenient and affordable way for people to buy fresh, healthy food and support local farmers and businesses.

Our Products

We are committed to delivering the right products with the right quality at the right time and at the right cost. We collect all of our products following a farm-fresh policy, which is done through highly consistent inspection methods by trained and skilled human resources at the source.

How We Work

We use only the highest quality ingredients and materials. We have a strict quality control process in place to ensure that our products meet our high standards. We are committed to operating in a sustainable way that benefits the environment and the community.

Our Products

Highest Quality


Made with passion by 300+ curators across the country.

100% Natural

Eat local, consume local, closer to nature.

Curated Products

Hand picked, highest quality, organic.

Modern Farm

farm-fresh products and ensured quality through highly consistent inspection method.

Alway Fresh

Collected and delivered daily.


Sustainable, environment friendly, community responsible.

Our Team

We Are The Best Team

Sherri Horton
Hector Stokes
Aliesha Preston
Eiliyah Gould